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Its Sunday .

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Irish Author Its Sunday . Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Location: Scotland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Its Sunday .

Its hard to imagine how much this day has changed in my lifetime , from slow and lazy , with Mass somewhere inbetween , hows your Sunday nowdays , know some people who work all week love the shops opened , Sunday was always the best dinner of the week , for us the only time you had meat or maybe chicken , to this day need a proper dinner by that mean something with potatoes , and a few veggies , from childhood Sundays smelled of Strawberry jelly and custard , from when it was made early before Mass , dinner was at 12 oclock , usually some stew , spuds you peeled at the table , for they were cooked in there skins always , never paid to much heed to that , the custard was still warm , birds custard ...then a spludge of jelly , they soon melted into one puddle if you didnt eat fast , used to think God was a great guy who prompted the graanie to do all this on a Sunday , then it was into the old togs and let loose for a bit would run away as far as you could , just in case a chore came up , next meal was just butter milk and soda bread , and then someone would spoil the moment by saying ..School tommorow .

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