Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Gerry Adams apology Vis-à-vis the Queen of England apology

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Gerry Adams apology Vis-à-vis the Queen of England apology

       Gerry Adams apology Vis-à-vis the Queen of England apology Gerry Adams apology Vis-à-vis the Queen of England apology Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Gerry Adams apology Vis-à-vis the Queen of England apology
Irish Author Gerry Adams apology Vis-à-vis the Queen of England apology Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian T Dublin

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Gerry Adams apology Vis-à-vis the Queen of England apology

Attacks on the Garda and security forces of The Republic of Ireland by Irish people who claimed a political cause on behalf of Irish people, were never moral or remotely logical.
History has proven that such attacks were not only morally wrong, they were counter productive.

So it could be argued that the apology of Gerry Adams is a welcome one.
It should be argued that the apology of Gerry Adams was at least credible in comparison to the apology by the Queen of England for the Colonial crimes of the Crown in Ireland.
What was it she said to cover all the Colonial terror crimes in Ireland, from slavery to designed famines, to evictions and the forced transportation of Irish people to other Crown colonies, to cover the mass murder of Irish people in the past, to the more recent Crown terrorist atrocities at Bloody Sunday, (where even a former Commander of British forces has the morals to describe the British army killers as Nazi Stormtroopers) and Ballymurphy. The British terrorists bombs in Dublin and Monaghan.

This so called Queen of England who personally decorated those involved with the murder of so many innocent Irish people. She as the Commander in Chief, might regard as heroic the British thug military who were involved in the massacre of innocent Irish people on Bloody sunday and Ballymurphy and so many other murders in Ireland. She like a few others paid by the Crown taxes, who try and promote the perverse British concept of help for heroes, promote all 'theirs' under a heroic umbrella, even the most depraved savage British army terrorist killers and liars as heroic!
But we Irish certainly do not think those murdering British army thugs and their lying masters as anything but paid and decorated low life murderers, we view them as cheaply salaried British murdering terrorists.

The Queen of England's so called apologetic words to effect Irish QuotesWith the benefit of historical hindsight, we can all see things which we would wish had been done differently or not at allIrish Quotes

Even if that pompous charade is likely as near to a apology as we Irish should expect from a woman who personally decorated the child killers of the Parachute regiment and other terrorist Crown cabals in Ireland.

Irish people need to read history and read how the Westminster Crown systemically honoured its hired mass murderers from woman and child killers and human slave traders Drake and Raleigh to the current crop of Crown promoted Sir low lifes.
Irish people need to remember this is the Queen of England who personally honored Sir Jimmy Saville and Sir Cyril Smith.
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She even gave a knighthood to a bully boy who wrote books about the benefits of using terrorism for Britain's aims. Kitson got a medal for terrorizing innocent Kenyans in pursuit of 'terrorists', before he got his knigthood for his terrorist activities against innocent Irish in his same trivial pursuit.
Irish Community Images
The Queen of England who approved and rewarded Sir General Mike Jackson and his Bloody Sunday 'Shot list'
Official documents supplied to the Bloody Sunday Tribunal quote Jackson as describing the Parachute Regiment's activities on Bloody sunday as 'first rate'.
Irish Community Images

The Queen of England's so called apologetic words to effect Irish QuotesWith the benefit of historical hindsight, we can all see things which we would wish had been done differently or not at allIrish Quotes

Vis-à-vis the Adams apology, has the apology of Adams in context appearing not only credible, but positively mature and meaningful.

Putting aside that comparative point for a moment, there is another point that will likely go unchallenged by the supposed journalists of Ireland.
Who does Gerry Adams think he is, apologizing on behalf of Republicans, for the crimes, the murders and injuries of Garda and other members of Irish security forces.
Is Gerry Adams really that naive, that unaware of how Irish people think?
Does Mr Adams not know that the vast majority of Irish are Republican by DNA. Irish people are Republican in principle, even if not politically active or even credibly interested in the politics of state.
Does Mr Adams not know that - all Garda and members of Irish security forces swear a oath to - uphold the Constitution and the laws of The Republic Of Ireland.
All Garda and members of Irish security forces are therefore Irish Republicans by default.
That Republican is a proud and noble label of Irish commonality and the equality of all humanity.

Does Mr Adams not know that as imperfect as any constitution is - at least
in The Republic Of Ireland no individual citizen has any automatically inherited special privilege or inherited rights over another citizen

Mr Adams maybe confusing the curious nature of celebrity gossip and retweets with reality.
Gerry Adams must have assumed that Irish people are generally credibly interested in supposed Royals of England.
Gerry Adams must be unaware that when ever we are presented with supposedly relevant news about a monarchy, the Irish people who even register such gossip, relate that same monarchy as temporary celebrity gossip, a bit of a joke at best .
In any rare real consideration, The Irish people would generally regard monarchy as a pathetic if not obscene, idolatry of the less evolved sections of humanity.

Irish people in Ireland or abroad are generally Republicans by logic!

Q.So why is this not obviously apparent to Mr Adams that most Irish people in Ireland and the world are Republican?

A. Probably because the English monarchy and their Westminster law makers have historically been very successful at encouraging the use of simplistic and often cynically irrelevant labels among the native peoples that they wanted to divide and thereby manage in their Colonial empire of assets.

Ironically Mr Adams still uses these very labels in divisive fashion.

The Irish are Republicans Mr Adams.

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