Irish Forums Message Discussion :: CHANGIN' JOBS

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Irish Author CHANGIN' JOBS Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     CHANGIN' JOBS


Time for conflict

And collision

Time to come
To a decision

A revision
A redefinition

Time to reevaluate
My mission

Do I leave or do I stay
On board to fight another day?

How can I stay firm and tough?
Will I be offered enough?

Mony Mony
Money Money
Have enough
The days are sunny
Have too little
The skies are gray
No saving up for a rainy day

Work friends I've made
And friends enjoyed
Only seem to stay friends
While mutually employed
And when the pendulum
Swings again
Another job
Another end

Must be made
With such precision
Work takes up
So much of life
More than a husband
Or a wife

Do I go or do I stay?
Stay put or scoot
Into the fray?

I think that I'll just sleep on it
Before I jump ahead and quit
I hate to be overly dramatic
But changin' jobs can be traumatic

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