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Irish Author Enchantment Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Location: USA

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     Enchantment

She was taking a walk enjoying the afternoon
He was taking a look,
Contemplating a way to make conversation

Oblivious she moved on as the sun’s rays
Merged with her heart and mind

Unaware of anything but her,
Even the mailbox he clumsily walked into
Desperate that she’d vanish into the crowds
As she had so many times before .. rushing

The sound caused her to look over,
Their eyes met,
Familiar strangers...
The same face and same look
She felt many times from those same eyes that drew her heart….
A look she felt...
Her stomach, her legs, her racing heart
Quickly escaping into the crowds,
She once again fled to safety...
No risk, no risk, bitter ends so don't begin...

At home that night, sleepily,
Goodnight she said to herself
But it was only the face without a name
Seen as she lay eyes closed upon the pillow,
Enchanting features with soulful eyes...
Goodnight she said once again
But this time to her companions
Safety and Loneliness.....

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