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Irish Author on being Irish The Stories Of The Irish Diaspora Irish Message

Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

The Stories Of The Irish Diaspora Discussion:     on being Irish


To be Irish is to be proud - of self, of family, of country, of flag....

To be Irish is to be humble enough to accept tragedy without bitterness, good fortune with humility, and love with open arms...

To be Irish is to know the longing for a home you have been banished from for a hundred years....or more....

To be Irish is to know the beauty of the land, the power of the sea, and the fragility of life....

To be Irish is to cling to a piece of turf, a name in a Bible and a family left behind...

To be Irish is to believe with a faith that survived famine, hardship, tyranny, and persecution...

To be Irish is to play music from your heart and to dance with your soul...

To be Irish is to love with passion beyond pride, a fierceness beyond anger, a tenderness beyond words...

To be Irish is to see the beauty of the sun as well as the rain...pleasure as well as pain....

To be Irish is to write of love and to love the written word...

To be Irish is to carry the weight of the famine on our shoulders so we never forget it in our hearts...

To be Irish is to walk the hills and valleys until one knows them like the back of the hand....

To be Irish is to speak freely and eloquently of not only that which is good and fair, but that which is evil and dark...

To be Irish is to cry when the pipes keen low, when the fiddle flashes, when the beat of the bodhran fills you with the bittersweet longing for that distant island across the sea...

To be Irish is to cherish your one true love until the seas run dry and the mountains crumble...

To be Irish is to wax poetic on the mundane as well as the marvelous.

And as tis said 'round the world on Patrick's Day...if you are lucky enough to be Irish, ah, well, then you are lucky enough....

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all those of us lucky enough to be, to all those lucky enough to want to be, and to all those in between...

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