Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Our Mother, Ireland

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Our Mother, Ireland

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Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     Our Mother, Ireland


We left ye by the thousands
Left ye as Our Mother
Faces gaunt, holding each other
Clutching at whatever warmth we could

Ye had more than enough milk
But our bastard father sold it to feed his own head
Sold it outright, leaving the children for dead
Not a true father at all

When ye tried to divorce him
His wrath beat all
Never thought ye or us good enough
Evicted us onto the streets, he did
Out of our cottages, out of the bogs
Away from the land
That nutures our souls

Pushed us onto boats sailing for parts unknown
And so we came to stay
In Australia, Canada, Amerikay
Crossed the Seas to beg whoever would take us
Break us, make us

Expatriotism for the Irish masses
Father England, kiss our asses
Get ye off of Irish soil
For ye be the cause of the great turmoil

Ireland, Our Mother
We cried for ye in the night
Yer magic ripped from us
We sobbed for ye bitter
So hard to grow, to sow, to know
Without a Mother's love

Our Mother, Ireland
We pray to ye
Recognize yer children
Return us to yer fold
Teach us the way of the Ones of Olde

We look to
The sod for nourishment
The turf, for warmth
The skies, for rain
The ocean, for life
The air, for breath
The lakes, for beauty
The rocks, for endurance

We celebrate and honor
Ye, Mother Ireland
For giving birth to us
For holding us to ye
Though on distant shores
We love ye more
Than Life itself

To be of Ireland
Is to be all

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