Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Exiles

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Irish Author Exiles Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

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Location: UK

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     Exiles

Exiles comrdes friends afar....
Don't fret your heart apining
For our fair land tis still as grand...
As when you took to roaming.

Do you believe as you once did...
'Fools' gold would buy true comforts
Or worldly things that money brings...
Would ease the homesick hunger.

'Sweet home dear homeland', cry the lonesome...
'How could we ere desert her'
For childish dreams how they decieved....
'Another grass was greener!'.

There is no colour to compare...
This jungles made of concreat
Rock hard and cold - hard earned fools gold...
For our true friends and comrades.

We pay the price of exile dear...
While we yearn and dream and ponder
On greener grasses left behind....
And wonder why we wandered.

Define this dream....this yearn for home...
Haunting hearts forever
A vision of a gladness gone
A bond that will not sever.

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