Irish Forums Message Discussion :: O Come My Fair Young Soldiers

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O Come My Fair Young Soldiers

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Irish Author O Come My Fair Young Soldiers Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     O Come My Fair Young Soldiers


O Come my fair young soldiers
A tale I have to tell
Of battles fought
And battles lost
Of victories as well
The years have passed
And freedom sought
To evict tyranny
To rid our land
Of England's hand
That stretches 'cross the sea

O Come my fair young soldiers
And listen to my song
Generations past
In prison cast
For righting a great wrong
How dare they come
Beatin' their drum
And holdin' their flag high
They raped our soil
With doctrines royal
And left our people die

O Come my fair young soliders
Your time it has arrived
Lay down yer gun
Look t'wards the sun
Avenge yer Father's cry
A new battle is ragin'
Not fought with arms nor fists
Ye must stop the enemy risin'
Even within our midst

My fair and brave young soliders
The War of Peace now comes
Occasion mark
With pipe and harp
And eloquence of tongue
We fight the battle onward
Arguments sharp as knives
It shall be words
Strong voices heard
That ends the political strife

O Come my fair young soldiers
The tale is ours to write
Of battles fought
And battles lost
Victory must end our fight
The years ahead
Must freedom win
Evict the tyranny
Rid Irish lands
Of English hands
The occupied six free

Rid Ireland of England's hand
An Ireland finally free

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