Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Stories of Irish Emigrants to America

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Stories of Irish Emigrants to America

       Stories of Irish Emigrants to America Stories of Irish Emigrants to America Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- The Stories Of The Irish Diaspora- Stories of Irish Emigrants to America
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Location: Ireland

The Stories Of The Irish Diaspora Discussion:     Stories of Irish Emigrants to America

There are some great stories of Irish emigrants to America, Canada and Britain. Listen to why your ancestors set sail from Liverpool (sadly it appears many Irish conclude that they have English or Scots natural links because of where their ancestors set sail from, when this is usually not at all!)

Listen to stories of the coffin ships, Grosse isle quarantine and how your ancestors walked to the USA (many dying on the way).

Listen to the stories of the Irish in Glasgow, and realise now why they thank God in heaven (unlike millions of Irish in Britain who are sadly now oblivious) are not in an hurry to forget who they are!

For those interested in Irish history some specifics I know from a long and genuine study of the history of Irish people.

Irish Forums Members Only Article:
You need to post in this Irish Forums topic to see the full article.

Listen to how some Irish refused to emigrate and stood up as The Fenians and fought back, how Irish came back especially from America and England as Fenians.

Listen to Irish radio online

listen to the Lost Irish millions and the genocide of the Irish race by the very design of the british system of commerce and empire!

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