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Books On Michael Collins

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Irish Books Discussion:     Books On Michael Collins

here ye go Inisheer and all

Books on Michael Collins and a thousand more

I have put together a site dedicated to just Irish books and literature. The site itself will get betteras we add sections and then organise it into sub sections like a library but it works and will be of interest to Irish book buyers now.

It links in to the reviews of the books on Michael Collins as it will do on all other Irish books, and ye can buy used versions of the books as well online from amazon; It would be good if an Irish book seller (somewhere) might want to help with the costs here and they can have the run of the adverts on there to sell their books.

But I figure that unless they are gonna be able to provide something different or for a similar value for money they might just be wasting their time- but we are more than happy for one to try and they can just make a donation here of their amount of choice and see how it goes.

The site will get a few cents if ye make a purchase through amazon but serious no one is gonna be rich so work away it is a resource that can be linked back by using the books reviews and referred to here for historical reference at least.

But as above if ye are interested in a Irish book then that the reviews are there and that it is just Irish books will be of use to ye.

there are a lot of Michael Collins books and at the used prices especially ye can't really go too far wrong some are just a dollar (eatch out for teh whole deal check the post costs dont add up to make the deal more expensive than another that might start at 2 dollars and so on)

Books On Michael Collins

an example with reviews and is a great book by a great writer and has a lot of great images not least the cover which shows the stark difference of look between two Irish great men. Michael Collins And Eamon De Valera.

This is a superb book if ye want to understand the essence (and imo largely how there are stil today) the two distinct types of Irish nationalist/republican (now mean the same thing once more) and how they ended up fighting a civil war; Both Irish but the one that is because of passionate love and a belief in the right of freedom of liberty above all and the one that is passionate with tradition at the fore.

Unlike simpletons who will call a spade a shovel only, the reality of Irish ness means both ideals intertwine and merge and it is only a fool of any proud Irish person that thinks they are not influenced by both, every Irish person on earth (I do not mean the ones who add a suffix or prefix I have no interest at all in them to know if it applies) must have worried back then if they are on the right side at times.

Hence imo both were great men and it is too easy now to cast DeValera as a type of fanatic or religous zealot. I know first hand how devout folks in West Cork can be so I doubt Collins would have been too much different.

Laughing Mind ye there is no prizes for looking at the front cover and guess which one is the more austere looking
Big Fellow Long Fellow

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