Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Neil Jordan the movie

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Neil Jordan the movie

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Location: Ireland

Irish Films Discussion:     Neil Jordan the movie

All the loveys are down in West Cork tonight, to celebrate the wedding of Neil Jordan. Irish film Producer of such films as Michael Collins the film, Angel, The company of Wolves, Mona Lisa, High Spirits, Wer'e No Angels(great film) The Miracle, Crying game(what was that about?) Interview with a vampire, The Butcher Boy, (funny,weird) The end of the affair, etc..etc.

Neilly is not too popular down in the Beara Peninsula (West Cork) at the moment as he(along with one other part time resident) has just objected to a holiday centre being built

Right or wrong locals don't like blow ins, (especially part time blow ins) objecting to anything that has to do with the folks who have to make a living there. There is nothing for the kids there and this centre would have provided a swimming pool that could have been used by them, plus of course a fair amount of much needed employment.

No one should Have any doubt that the locals were massively in favour of the development, thousands actually got off their arse and signed a petition in favour, this March just gone.

So Jordan is starring in his own movie 'the antichrist of the mansion' at the moment.

To be fair to him An Bord Pleanala (Irish planning authority) have the say not him, but he was the one main objector and made a BIG fuss- that as far as I could read was not really backed by much more than his luxury pads views being spoilt somewhat.

Captain Boycott is back

Last edited by Finn on Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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