Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Scots do not consider themselves British Census returns

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Scots do not consider themselves British Census returns

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Canuck Republican

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Scots do not consider themselves British Census returns

British always was a phoney claim.
Almost two thirds of Scots identify themselves as 'Scottish only', census figures reveal
RESULTS from the latest Census show that 62 per cent of Scots consider themselves "Scottish only"

Like the Irish formula 1 driver Eddie Irvine who self-identified as being Irish:
“But at the end of the day, I’m Irish. I mean, I’ve got a British passport, but if you’re from Ireland, north or south, you’re Irish. And ‘British’ is. . . such a nondescript thing, isn’t it?”
—1995 interview.

It, 'British' was invented in the 18th Century for German Royal (aka organised crime family) to feel at home.
A new title that incorporated all, a franchise never a real genuine race or culture.
When was British first used

Everyone and no one was and was claimed by the Royals as British.
A century ago, even most of Canada was claimed as British.
No thank you.

Scots are not British say the Scots.
More English people are thinking again about the con act called British.

British which was never more than a Colonial franchise for the main benefit of a few, who brought so much cruelty to the world, including human slavery and caused and created so many British terrorist colonial wars, is a dying fad.
Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hurrah
Revealed: Almost two thirds of Scots identify themselves as 'Scottish only', census figures reveal

RESULTS from the latest Census show that 62 per cent of Scots consider themselves "Scottish only" - three times as many as say they are "Scottish and British".
Most Scots consider themselves as "Scottish only" Most Scots consider themselves as "Scottish only"

ALMOST two-thirds of people in Scotland identify themselves as "Scottish only", according to results from the latest Census.

Less than one fifth of the population described themselves as both Scottish and British in the question on national identity, which was asked for the first time in the 2011 survey.

It shows that 62.4 per cent of the country's 5.3million people identify themselves as "Scottish only", while 18.3 per cent said they were "Scottish and British only".

The latest Census results also reveal that the population is becoming more ethnically diverse, and suggest people are less religious compared with a decade ago.

Results show 4.0 per cent of people are from non-white minority ethnic groups - double the proportion recorded in 2001.

Meanwhile, 7.0 per cent of people living in Scotland were born abroad, an increase of three percentage points since 2001.

By far the highest number were born in Poland, at 55,000 people - a change from 2001 when the highest number of people born abroad were from the Republic of Ireland.

The large number of Polish-born people has also had an impact on language. Census figures show that over twice the number of people - 54,000 - speak Polish at home, compared with Gaelic - which stands at 25,000 people.

Data shows only a slight fall in the number of Gaelic speakers since 2001, down from 59,000 to 58,000 in 2011, while the number of Gaelic speakers aged five to 14 has risen.

The voluntary question on religion reveals an 11 percentage point decline in the number of Christians in Scotland, down from 65 per cent of the population in 2001 to 54 per cent in 2011, while the proportion who said they have no religion increased by nine percentage points to 37 per cent.

Further data revealed more people live alone than 10 years ago, with one person households now accounting for 35 per cent of all homes.

The proportion of married people also fell from 2001 figures, down from 50 per cent to 45 per cent.

Registrar General for Scotland and chief executive of National Records of Scotland Tim Ellis said: "The census results have already shown that Scotland's population has grown over the past decade.

"These latest results paint a detailed picture of Scottish society and it's a more multicultural picture than we have seen before.

"There is more ethnic and religious diversity. We have more people living in all areas of Scotland who were born outside of the UK than ever before and we are using an increasing number of languages.

"The data released today will help us all plan for the future of Scotland using accurate information showing who we are and how we live. Further layers of vital information will be revealed as we publish more detailed data for very local levels over the coming months."

Census data is gathered every 10 years, and is used to plan funding in areas such as local authorities, health services and major infrastructure projects.

Scots are not British

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