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Irelands Future Population

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irelands Future Population

Ireland's future population is at odds with the rest of Europe - NCB report says

Ireland's future population profile is completely out of kilter with the rest of Europe according to a report published today by NCB Stockbrokers.

The report says that while the population of the 25 countries of the EU is expected to stay broadly the same until 2020, the population of the EU 15 (the EU without the recent Accession states) will rise as people from the newer member states move around for employment. NCB's report says there will be marginal growth in the 15-64 age group in the EU 25 until 2010, but in Ireland the 15-64 age group will rise much more sharply than in any other European country. Ireland will be trailed by Luxembourg, Cyprus, the UK and France.

Dependancy, or those aged over 65 and under 15, is set to be quite stable in the EU for the next four years, then it will rise sharply, but dependancy in the Accession countries will be low because of low numbers in the over 65 age group. The report from NCB also says that proportionately Ireland the biggest number of its immigrants from the Accession countries, and that Ireland, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Portugal are expected to have the biggest immigrant flows per 1,000 population in the years ahead.

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