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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish native citizens special needs 5 YEARS waiting list
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13 Shaz Rattigan 1736
Mister Gael
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ukranians Dont like FREE MONEY! GOOD GO HOME
4 Kate English 856
Sceala Irish Craic Forum hamas terrorists same as Zionist ISRAEL STATE TERRORISM
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18 taraconnect 3478
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Netanyahu a corrupt evil terrorist child murderer monster
9 Jack Hegarty 894
Sceala Irish Craic Forum ukrainian students in Ireland can get more grants than native Irish children.
2 Irish Granny 471
Boogie Wonderland
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Evil scum rapist Media report as Wexford man!- Albanian!
5 Paddy acting the goat 777
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Sick Ukrainian students in Ireland getting more than native
0 Irish Granny 474
Irish Granny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Sick Ukrainian students in Ireland getting more than native
0 Irish Granny 474
Irish Granny
5 Boyle Bru 388
Irish Granny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Homeless crisis for many native Irish - free rent immigrants
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64 Berties brown envelope 3672
Irish Granny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Israel created & exported 20th C extreme Islamic lunatics
5 Brian Whelan 1158
talking irish
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland does not have a far right problem! it has a out of control immigration policy
8 Babs Hamilton 761
Mister Gael
Sceala Irish Craic Forum The Irish can't afford homes - yet more immigrants coming in
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21 Frank Devenny 1691
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Why are so many Indians & Pakistanis being allowed into Ireland
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11 Limerick Queen 576
Hibernian lass
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Immigrant dangerous sex predator "security guard"
3 Hibernian lass 1190
Boogie Wonderland
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry
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52 Frank Devenny 3081
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Homeless crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants
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78 Irish Granny 2981
Irish hal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland
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13 dedubjimmy 1348
Frank Devenny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland run like a cheap business not a nation
9 taraconnect 1568
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland needs urgent immigration controls not more houses
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26 eireen 1301
Sceala Irish Craic Forum The Look Of The Irish Face
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236 Finn 16405
Jer ONeills
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Extreme liberals far left claim its a Male problem, LIES
3 Berties brown envelope 256
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17 Jer ONeills 3230
Brian Whelan
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish politicians DONT CARE ABOUT SAFETY OF ANYONE
6 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 1172
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Immigrant numbers in Ireland purposely selective MISLEADING FALSE claims
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22 Irish hal 1101
Brian Whelan
Sceala Irish Craic Forum nick henderson english immigrant on €60,000 plus NGO says limitless immigrants to Ireland
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27 Berties brown envelope 1652
Limerick Queen
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Is Ireland unique - hype claims more immigrants are vital
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29 kerrin 1398
Irish hal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland has no room for any more asylum seekers chancers immigrants or from Ukraine
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43 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 4924
Clan Malley
Sceala Irish Craic Forum No Asylum Seekers previous in UK or EU will be granted asylum or welfare in Ireland.
9 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 572
Irish Granny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Orangemen & Loyalists More Pakistani than the Pakistanis
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21 Boyle Bru 7243
Jack Hegarty
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Plastic English - Plastic Prods Orangemen in Ireland
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29 Terniog2 5061
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Polyester Prods of the Orange Disorder
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13 Limerick Queen 1596
Jer ONeills
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Orange Order marks 5000 days of Drumcree protest joke
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25 Mammysirishstew 5913
Kate English
Sceala Irish Craic Forum DUP Orangeman who called a priest a paedophile - WAS A PEDO
4 Brian Whelan 1095
Frank Devenny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Slur Keir starmer a typical brit crown puppet & BULLSHITTER Hypocrite
2 Hibernian lass 726
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Israel army behaviour tactics methods like early Nazi SS
9 Brian Whelan 1694
Clan Malley
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ian Paisley was bigger threat to peace in Ireland than IRA
5 Irish News 1283
Sceala Irish Craic Forum James Galway Flute Player on Ian Paisley
3 talking irish 1463
Hibernian lass
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ireland is Full - no homes to rent or buy affordably
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24 taraconnect 1260
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Background checks prevent violent criminal foreign nationals entering Ireland
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11 Santryman 1193
5 Boyle Bru 1405
Sceala Irish Craic Forum WHITE LIVES MATTER
9 Santryman 1454
Jer ONeills
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ukranian drunk driver scumbag killed Irishman & no remorse
9 Brian Whelan 608
Boogie Wonderland
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Letterkenny or LetterKenya.
5 kevmcsharry 2114
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Tomas Starodubcevas? A Ukranian who violently robbed elderly Irish American Lady tourist Killarney
4 St Pats So Cal 956
Kate English
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Convicted Slovakian MURDERER immigrant rapes child 7 Ireland
2 Frank Devenny 487
Irish Granny
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish do not want this many immigrants in Ireland
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21 bamboozileer 2628
St Pats So Cal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Roma Romanians Eastern European serious crime rapists uk
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13 Santryman 1193
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Immigrants encouraged in, now Irish told to emigrate.
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22 bamboozileer 3391
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business.
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14 bamboozileer 5157
Clan Malley
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies & HIV - but no checks!
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44 Mammysirishstew 1521
Sceala Irish Craic Forum EU Nations Stop free money welfare to Ukraine refugees
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13 Babs Hamilton 642
Irish hal
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Extremist ukranian thug scum trash - terrorizes infant child
1 Gerard Delaney Tipperary 651
Limerick Queen
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Micheal Martin Does Not Credibly Speak For The Irish People.
10 Brian T Dublin 1171
Babs Hamilton
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Ukraine has never been a single united nation
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13 Canuck Republican 1173
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Pakistani immigrant doctor sexually abused patients
5 Frank Devenny 869
Jer ONeills
Sceala Irish Craic Forum paul gavan sinn fein extreme left pro immigrant - DANGEROUSLY NAIVE AT BEST
5 Limerick Queen 543
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Israel aims are to expel all Arabs Palestinians Syrians Islam to Europe
5 Boyle Bru 837
Babs Hamilton
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