| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland |
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ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland
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ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers in Ireland
Wed Mar 06, 2024
OUT OF CONTROL ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS is why your Irish children and grandchildren can not find anywhere to rent let alone dream to buy a home anywhere!
70,000 brazilians Open door for Brazilian dangerous criminals
110,000 + pakistanis , indians Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry
68,000 Africans
105,000 ukranians
120,000 + Polish
45,000+ Romanians
40,000+ Lithuanians
20,000 Latvians
20,000 Moldovans
20,000 + Spanish
OUT OF CONTROL ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS is why your Irish children and grandchildren live in a land of increasing extremes of random street violence and sexual predator crime.
No one knows anyone anymore - a recipe for crime and unreported crime as many victims will sadly view whats the point, when its out of control.
Politicians have sold out Ireland as a cheap labour hub for the benefit of so called business = mainly business that simply do not add up without masses of imported low skilled cheap minimum wage basically zero hour contract labour.
Soon Irish families will not be able to even consider many former decent jobs. that made accommodation and a family life at least possible.
As so many if not most basic jobs are now carried out by a never ending revolving open door for low paid low skilled single ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS who are willing (because of their home nations poverty) to share a room in basically what amounts to a hostel living type life.
Tens of thousands of homes built for the population of Ireland for Irish families are now occupied by low paid low skilled economic immigrants, most especially from nations from top of the insane number list-
This betrayal and insanity the sell out of Iris natives families for cheap immigrant labour (to benefit a blind selfish greed driven few) has been going on for years,
Do you day dream anything has been done to stop discourage this scandal since 2017? its now much worse!
low paid low skilled economic immigrants who it seems the job interview for the meet or packing factory or fruit farm or deliveroo amounts to - can you ride bike or use knife or can you pick only red not green strawberry ?
70,000 brazillians
90,000 pakistanis , indians
68,000 Africans
105,000 ukranians
120,000 + Polish
45,000+ Romanians
40,000+ Lithuanians
20,000 Latvians
20,000 Moldovans
20,000 + Spanish
OUT OF CONTROL ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS is why your Irish children and grandchildren live in a land of increasing extremes of random street violence and sexual predator crime.
No one knows anyone anymore - a recipe for crime and unreported crime as many victims will sadly view whats the point, when its out of control.
Immigrant numbers in Ireland purposely selective MISLEADING FALSE claims
Ireland needs urgent immigration controls not more houses
Fact is no one could build enough homes if insane open door policy is allowed to continue (for the benefit of a few specifically those so called business like shyte meat business ie politicians mates and families) -
billions across world live in relative or abject poverty - often because of past or current actions of UK USA FRANCE ITALY PORTUGAL COLONIAL REGIMES - Millions are looking to move anywhere.
A few million more Palestinians soon thanks to Israel depopulation land plans
Ireland has taken in too many people as is! cant house their own.
NO MORE let the war mongers uk and USA take them!
After all they in particular shout so loud (encourage and arm insurrenction so often) about the rights of Syrians & Libyans & Ukranians & Afghans & minority Chinese etc etc etc etc etc
Ireland has no accommodation for its own! let alone more asylum seekers chancers or economic immigrants or from Ukraine
Ireland is Full - no homes to rent or buy affordably