Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Bridge Across the Atlantic

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Bridge Across the Atlantic

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Irish Author Bridge Across the Atlantic Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     Bridge Across the Atlantic


Spun sugar promises
Star gazer dreams
Tied up with silver
And ice blue moonbeams
Rainbow of colors
Reflect back the light
Beacons of shimmer
A bridge spans the night

Ferry me over
Troubled astral waters
Safe in yer arms
Contented and warm
Hold me close to ye
A heartbeat from heaven
Snug in yer embrace
We ride out the storm

Remember me
When I wake from this Dreamworld
Memorize me
The outline of my face
I must recall ye
Each night when I slumber
Summon ye back to this Faerieland place

Soft are the clouds
That cushion our bodies
Bury us deep
Hidden from prying eyes
All of my secrets
All of yer magic
Our dance eternal
As the earth and the skies

I will remember
When ye wake from this Dreamworld
I will memorize
The outline of yer face
Ye must recall me
Each night when ye slumber
Summon me back to this Faerieland place

Meet me on the Bridge
Between waking and sleeping
I shall wait for ye there
In the twilight of gray
Be glad for this time
Courtesy the Night Faeries
For Fate separates us
By the Harshness of Day

We shall meet on the Bridge
That Spans the Atlantic
Bridge of Star Crossed Lovers
Bridge of Dreamers and Fools

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