Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Sinn Fein and DUP take corners

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Sinn Fein and DUP take corners

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Sinn Fein and DUP take corners

A Sinn Fein minister has shown the clear intentions to take on the DUP in the democracy game.
Conor Murphy, regional development minister in the power-sharing executive, has said he has decided to avoid the name “Northern-Ireland” and will be referring to it as “here” or “the North” in official communiqués from now on. Mr Murphy has also told all of his civil servants to avoid calling the Republic of Ireland by its proper name. Mr Murphy, wants his staff to describe it as “all Ireland” or “across the island of Ireland”, according to a supposed leaked memorandum to the Democratic Unionist MP Gregory Campbell.
Mr Murphy said that he was giving guidance to his department about what was said in his name. Every minister, he said, was “asked for guidance in relation to what language they are comfortable with, I gave my guidance – I didn’t issue any directive to staff about what terminology they have to use in relation to their own work. It was simply guidance as to what I’m comfortable with when I’m making speeches or issuing statements in my name.”
In other signs of tension, reports are in the press of major arguments looming over “parity of esteem” in the use of symbols at Stormont, with its statue of Sir Edward Carson, the founder of Northern-Ireland. Sinn Fein may be seeking a statue of the IRA hunger-striker Bobby Sands and the flying of the Irish tricolour to match days upon which the Union Jack is flown. Last week the DUP said it would veto moves to give legal status to Gaeilge the Irish language – even though this was part of the agreement on which the executive is built.

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