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The trip home .

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Location: Scotland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     The trip home .

I had planned everything down to the last detail , the car was packed , we had arranged the meeting point from where the three cars would leave from this was midnight and none of us had been to bed , but I didnt feel a bit tired , my brother arrived to drive my car ...and of we set , the weather was terrable rain lashing down , so we took it easy ..we were makeing excelant time had only 30 miles from the ferry port and had an hour and a half to spare , dawn was near and the sea in the distance looked very calm ..I was happy , then this lorry flashed to be let by ...we pulled over and of it sped , Joseph said to me ...see that lorry its heading for the boat , and the driver knows every twist and turn on the road , he will arrive in time to have a big mug of tea and a stretch of the legs as the lorry turned to the right ...fat head turned left ..what you doing I asked ...THINK ..this way is a shortcut ..well you can imagine the rest ...we got lost , we finally got into the main road again see our boat leaving port in the distance ...I was fit to be tied ..but never went on to much ...get the next boat , well when we checked in ...the bloody Stena line wanted 150 pounds per car to get on the next ferry ...that was over and above what we had payed ....the battle I had with them was epic , have never met such a man who wouldnt give in ...he was good , in the end I just said ..ok you win , we shall just go home , turned to my daughter and cousin and said , we cant pay you have my euros and go on ahead ...Joseph and I will go home , she burst into tears and said ...we will all go home ...the man cracked ..oh for the love of God ...I cant do this , issued us new tickets and let us on ....

Before long we arrived in Belfast , and the drive down through Derry into Moville was pleasant and stress free , headed up into the hills of Glengad to the house we had rented God what a house was just built , and was nesstled into a hill ..with a sweeping driveway down to it ...the view from high up was panaramic ..we all abanded the cars and stood there the left was the ocean ..then could see all of upper inishowen , out to the left could see the Mull of kintyre , we just gazed ...I promise will show photos soon ...anyway as we stood , someone mentiond rooms ...we knew all had there own bathrooms and showers , but one had a jacussi we all bolted for the front door ...we were running through the house like heathens laughing and shouting and sorry to admit pulling at each other daughter and my cousin turned a corner and actully collided with one another , my daughter found the room and lay on the bed laughing ...the inside was state of the art in design ..with the front all glass with sliding doors out on to the lawn , even had electric gates . That first night we sat out side tired but haveing some drinks , watching the lights over all the little cottages ..and then the stars appeared ..wont ever forget that sight ..the fun was only beginning ..was a crazy mad but unforgetable week ...

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