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Ireland's 9/11 our actions dishonor all Irish victims

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Irish Author Ireland's 9/11 our actions dishonor all Irish victims Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Belfast and Donegal.

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Ireland's 9/11 our actions dishonor all Irish victims

Monaghan and Dublin Bombings was Ireland's 9/11 but we allowed our government to betray our victims. Our government of the time, which included traitors like O'Brien showed little real care for the Irish citizens and no care for the victims of British terrorism.

The Americans demanded justice for 9/11, their people demanded their government go after the terrorists, never let them rest.
Irish actions dishonor all Irish victims

Imagine that the British government knew the Irish government had information that related to the terrorist slaughter of their citizens. Then imagine the same British government reaction if the Irish government refused to share / hand over that information.
The British Government would not stand for it! We know they double deal with Libya and others they claim to be above, but they would not be allowed to act like the Irish Government has in the past.
O'Brien was a traitor, should have been arrested and tried for treason against the state.

Irish Government actions dishonor all Irish victims, betray all Irish.
But it is the Irish people most to blame, they voted for the Irish politicians who allowed British terrorists to get away with mass murder.
After a while those of us in the north never expected much from our own people down south, or Irish government.
But even we were shocked at how meekly the Irish electorate protested while sat on their hands. No urgency for the truth in a massacre of their own people in the Capital city.

Tears rolled down the face of Tommassino Magliocco as he honoured his father who was murdered in a car bomb attack 37 years ago.
The Italian man laid a wreath in the Irish capital to mark the anniversary of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings as the Queen made her first historic visit to the Republic.
Antonio Magliocco was just 37 when he was killed in the atrocity, leaving behind his wife and three young children under four.
"You will never forget a family member but on this occasion, coming here, it's more emotional," said Mr Magliocco, the eldest child, who returned to Dublin for the anniversary.

"But we want answers. We want to know why and we want to know who was involved. We want to know the truth."

Thirty four men, women and children - including an unborn baby - were killed in the series of no-warning car bombs across Dublin and Monaghan on May 17 1974.

The atrocities were the greatest loss of life in a single day of the Troubles.

About 200 people, including bereaved families, survivors of the blasts and politicians, united in grief at a memorial on Talbot Street in Dublin's north inner city to remember the dead in a simple service.

Campaign group Justice For the Forgotten - which believes the explosions were carried out by loyalist paramilitaries with British state collusion - also made a fresh appeal for the Queen to urge Prime Minister David Cameron to open secret files which were withheld during an inquiry.

Margaret Urwin, spokeswoman, said the truth would slot in the final piece of the jigsaw.
"Proportionate to our day, this was Ireland's 9/11," she said.
"Would anyone dare to suggest that any anniversary of 9/11 should be overlooked? I don't think so."

Bernie McNally, chairman, was just 16 when she was seriously injured in one of the bombs and lost her sight in her right eye.
The mother and grandmother said she struggled to live a normal life for years after witnessing firemen carrying bodies from shops, thinking they were mannequins.
But she looked on the Queen's visit as a fantastic opportunity for the truth to come out to build relations between Ireland and Britain.
"She's a mother, she's a grandmother and she's 80 odd years of age," said Mrs McNally.
"I'm sure she thinks about the legacy she will be leaving for her children and grandchildren and the people of England.
"I just hope as a human being that she shows a warmer more humane side and that it will trigger something in her."
Ireland's 9/11 our actions dishonor all Irish victims

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