| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry |
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Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry
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Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Irish Forums Member
Location: Spain. from Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Re: Ireland for sale, immigrant chancers student visa indust
Frank Devenny wrote:
Just look at the abuse of Ireland, the supposed 'student' visa scheme, this amounts to what it was in the uk. ABUSE.
mainly economic chancers allowed, encouraged by a few greedy natives (at first they will soon be replaced) to exploit and abuse a supposed student visa scheme.
Ireland has a emergency homeless crisis and a health system at breaking point, a school system that is verging on breaking down.
No facilities have been built to accommodate this flood.
Flood and scam it is .
Just look a the number of Indians alone who have made videos to highlight just how Ireland has become an easy target.
Enough to make anyone with a ounce of pride in Irish culture weep.
Ireland selling her soul and natives of whatever ancestral background homeless and enduring second class and soon to be third world public services.
because no one pays for all these chancers! few of these supposed students pay tax of any significance.
Ireland and Irish culture will be completely destroyed inside 10 years unless controls, sensible controls on economic migrants and asylum seekers (we have far too many % to population as it is) is done.
Think it is bad now, just wait and see how bad it will get if you sit back and allow the greedy few
who in blind greed abuse and sell their own children's children's souls and futures.
Immigration can be positive - being colonised being swamped never is!
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Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry � Sceala.com Irish Forums (Ireland) :: Designed In Ireland By Sceala The Irish
Message :: Irish Web Ireland :: Ireland for sale, ASIAN immigrant chancers student visa SCAM industry From Sceala The Irish Message :: Irish