Irish Forums Message Discussion :: EU politicians false care for human rights - SLUMS OF EUROPE

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EU politicians false care for human rights - SLUMS OF EUROPE

        EU politicians false care for human rights - SLUMS OF EUROPE EU politicians false care for human rights - SLUMS OF EUROPE Information
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     EU politicians false care for human rights - SLUMS OF EUROPE

Shocking to see the reality behind the claims of most of the overpaid EU parliament chancers.


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MULTI MILlIONAIRE already and yet picks up around '432,000.00 per year + enough perks for several lifetimes !! parasite off the backs of ordinary EUROPEAN PEOPLE WHO NEVER VOTED FOR Ursula von der Lying.

A perverse parasite eager to make Europe even worse by inviting (she gets to decide) in even greater numbers of even more extreme poverty and even worse slums of Ukraine.
Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies & HIV

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The SLUMS of EUROPE : The hidden side of Europe!

Irish Community Video

Inside Europe's Worst Slum
Europe's biggest slum, Lunix IX is considered one of the worst places on the continent. Let me take you to a place that is ten times worse. A place of extreme poverty, dangerous diseases and surprisingly lively people. We are exploring the slum of Svinia.

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MULTI MILlIONAIRE already and yet picks up around '432,000.00 per year off the backs of working class EUROPEAN PEOPLE NEVER VOTED FOR Ursula von der Lying.

A perverse parasite eager to make Europe even worse by inviting (she gets to decide) in ukraine & even greater numbers from as or even more extreme poverty and more slums of Ukraine.
Ukraine number 1 in Europe for Corruption Poverty Rabies & HIV

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