Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Irish Government risk Rabies as controls relaxed for ukraine

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Irish Government risk Rabies as controls relaxed for ukraine

       Irish Government risk Rabies as controls relaxed for ukraine Irish Government risk Rabies as controls relaxed for ukraine Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Irish Government risk Rabies as controls relaxed for ukraine
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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Navan

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish Government risk Rabies as controls relaxed for ukraine

Absolutely insane shocking and disgusting to see the Irish politicians have allowed people from Ukraine to bring in pets to Ireland without the usual quarantine!

We know that the Irish politicians have had little to no care for the thousands of Irish homeless, no suitable or often even emergency accommodation was found 'all of a sudden' for our own living on the streets or years in hotel rooms!

Now the governmnt show their lack of care again for the citizens of Ireland. this time taking risks with Rabies!

What about our human rights?

Ukraine has a serious rabies problem, but this reality is just ignored by the Irish government.

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Basically Ukranians from a country where rabies is common! are allowed to self quarantine and self regulate.
Irish Community Images

Basically Ukranians from a country where rabies is common! are allowed to self quarantine and self regulate.

Irish politicians putting us at unnecessary risk!

Irish politicians are most all nothing more than unquestioning mouthpiece puppets of the EU & The Biden & co dementia never ending arms industry warmongering club.

Irish politicians are most all only interested in imagery, photo opportunities for scenes considered PR or politically correct opportunities!

By never asking any questions, by actively discouraging questions from the public by our own 'owned media', Irish politicians are just begging for even more social problems down the line, and even more in the extreme!

Reality check 2022!

Basically we have no idea who is coming here, or it seems any right to even ask a question or say enough is enough! it seems there are no checks on anyone claiming to be ukraine and a refugee!

Praised as heroes for what basically amounts to human trafficking.
Who guards the guards? or in other words do we just accept the word no questions of supposed charity workers!
Did not Jimmy Saville and so many missionary supposed do gooders of the past not provide a stark warning to not just allow no questions just because someone even the likes of the BBC who promoted saville for decades! just because some claim to be doing a act for the good!!

Ukraine is the poorest nation in Europe, what did they think was going to happen with those poorest millions there who saw an opportunity to take advantage of open door policy into naive selectively caring EU.
The social problems of the Roma are just part of the problem Ireland and the EU are content for now to ignore, Ukraine itself was before the war not only poorest in Europe, but riddled with corruption and extreme views.
We know this reality because the media told us before they recently decided to selectively forget!

They have 400,000 Roma , the poorest of the poorest Roma, a people who have been discriminated against & many live outside of society & the law.

All well & good talking about human rights.

Dangerous Violent non nationals who have destroyed lives in Ireland

The UK govt is happy to send weapons of death but typically don't wan't the refugees at least without background checks!

We know the UK Govt is corrupt and its arms industry perverse, but maybe this time they have the experience to know open door is insane

Roma Romanians Eastern European serious crime rapists uk

Like this Ukranian who was murdering within 5 days of arrival and blowing up mosques!

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