Irish Forums Message Discussion :: No genuine Irish famine - british crown exported all food

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No genuine Irish famine - british crown exported all food

       No genuine Irish famine  - british crown exported all food No genuine Irish famine  - british crown exported all food Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- No genuine Irish famine - british crown exported all food
Irish Author No genuine Irish famine - british crown exported all food Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Irish Forums Member
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     No genuine Irish famine - british crown exported all food

No genuine famine in 19th century Ireland -

Food was not remotely scarce!
The real history of the supposed Royals of England.
Irish Quotation A list of exports from Cork Harbour
On a single day
The fourteenth of September, Eighteen Forty-Seven
Ran as follows:

147 barrels of pork
986 casks of ham
27 sacks of bacon
528 boxes of eggs
1, 397 firkins of butter
477 sacks of oats
720 sacks of flour
380 sacks of barley
187 head of cattle
296 head of sheep, and
4, 338 barrels of miscellaneous provisions
On a single day
The ships sailed out from Cork Harbour
With their bellies in the water
On a single day in County Galway
The great majority of the poor located there

Were in a state of starvation
Many hourly expecting death to relieve their suffering

On a single day
The Lady Mayoress held a ball
At the Mansion House in Dublin
In the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Dancing continued until the early hours
And refreshments of the most varied and sumptuous
Were supplied with inexhaustible profusion
On a single day
On a single day
Irish Quotation

Irish Community Video

On a single day just like most every day foods exported by colonial purposeful design , exported out of Ireland.

No genuine famine in 19th century Ireland -

anymore than a genuine famine occurred 50 years later in british colonial concentration camps in South Africa

No genuine famine in 19th century Ireland -

anymore than a genuine famine occurred 100 years later in l in Nazi concentration camps.


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