Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Peeps

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Irish Author Peeps Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Location: Kincora

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Peeps

Ok, come out you peepers.

Maggie and sifi....I see yer names down there....come out and say something. What's up with the peeping all of a sudden?

Maggie, you have a book out and haven't even been on here talking about it!! What is wrong with you? Come out and play girl.

Sifi....quiet just does not become you!! Yer missed....get yer arse out here and party girl!!

Everyone else.....say hi! It doesn't hurt at all. Well, most days it doesn't.

It's time to party!! 2007 is approaching. It's the last day of 2006....

Come on!

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