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Bloody Sunday

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Bloody Sunday

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Today 36 years on we remember the unarmed Irish civillians murdered and injured in the streets of Ireland by the forces of the British crown on Bloody Sunday.
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Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2008
Wednesday 30 January
4.00pm: Minutes Silence to mark the time of the shooting on Bloody Sunday. All welcome
Venue: Bloody Sunday Monument, Rossville Street

5.00pm: Launch, U Turn presents Picture Balata Young people from the U-Turn Project in the Bogside are very proud to present this exhibition of photographs taken by their friends living in the Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus, Palestine. In picture Balata the children document their lives, hopes and struggles in the largest and most targeted Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank. This exhibition will be on display until Monday 4th February.
Venue: Pilot’s Row Arts Centre, Rossville Street

7.30pm: Bloody Sunday Memorial Mass
All welcome.
Venue: St Mary’s Chapel, Creggan.

8.00pm: Film Screening, Hidden Agenda by Ken Loach. Loach’s powerful film about the dirty war in Ireland, released when Sinn Fein were banned from the airways and not allowed to speak without an actors voice. It cleverly features a then Sinn Fein counselor Jim McAllister playing a republican activist and so directly putting the republican position across to the public.
Venue: The Nerve Centre, Admission £2.00

9.00pm: Launch, Guildhall Press will launch their unique collection 'Harrowing of the Heart: The Poetry of Bloody Sunday' in the Guildhall's Main Hall on Wednesday, January 30, at 9.00pm.
Edited by Julieann Campbell and Tom Herron, this collection gathers together poetry, song and drama inspired by the events of 30 January 1972, the majority of which has never been seen before.
This illuminating new archive attempts to capture the disbelief felt by a nation through the artistic responses of a few. Besides the many local contributors, the collection also includes a stimulating
Foreword by Bishop Edward Daly, as well as pieces by Seamus Heaney, Brian Friel, Seamus Deane, Thomas Kinsella, Dave Duggan, Paul Muldoon, Christy Moore and John Lennon and Yoko Ono, among others.
The launch in the Guildhall’s Main Hall will present performances of selected pieces from the collection as well as guest speaker BBC Radio Foyle’s Paul McFadden.
Venue: Main hall, Guildhall, Derry
Irish Community Images

This year’s poster depicts a face comprised of 4 fragments: Rosemary Nelson, killed in 1999 by loyalists, Gerald Donaghey, killed on Bloody Sunday (1972), Joan Connolly, killed by the British Army, Ballymurphy, Belfast (1971), & Asil Asleh, killed by Israeli Police in 2000
Bloody Sunday
Derry Merry Derry Free
Bloody Sunday by John Lennon
Dublin's Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday families - Saville report
Ballymurphy massacre
Parachute regiment murder and torture in the north of Ireland

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