One of michael martins proud boasts no doubt!!
one of martins so called "record numbers in employment!!"
Yes great! thanks martin for record numbers of shit jobs on minimum wage, no Irish person let alone family can no longer afford to even consider!
Thus so making your perverse claim for never ending need for immigrants.
Asylum seekers - economic chancers = the pervert enablers could not care less
ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS insane numbers allowed into Ireland
martin so naive could not care less - very well paid eu puppet martin allows in hundreds of thousands of low or no skilled chancers from third world, living several to a rented property (once a Irish family home) and all topped up enabled by welfare, free medical cards, rent top up subsidy , free education, & paying no tax!
While we all pay for the perverse carry on and our own often go without!
Was he one of the Syrian boys Roderic was so happy to go out of his way to encourage in to Ireland!
Homeless crisis Hospitals crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants & CHANCERS
RTE with a extreme
(but subtle perverse presentation of ) WOKE - via government influence seek to selectively portray any problem for someone of so called "colour" as racism, far right etc
out of interest!
under that imo pathetic ignorant racist itself term of "person of colour" What colour are the rest of us ? invisible?
No mention of any victims colour or lack of!! or that evil cowardly criminals were of colour and ASYLUM SEEKERS
no mention by rte
RTE with a extreme
(but subtle perverse presentation of ) WOKE - via government influence seek to selectively portray any problem for someone of so called "colour" as racism, far right etc
out of interest!
under that imo pathetic ignorant racist itself term of "person of colour" What colour are the rest of us ? invisible?
It seems so
Because when someone is "of colour" RTE never even suggest it is "black or immigrant racist crime!
Yet in any context not only does such exist - but likely of far higher % proportion.
Immigrants ARE over represented as registered CRIME OFFENDERS
There are People of so called colour who are bigots and racists - just look at way they treat each other in Africa and ASIA.
Ironically it would be so ignorant and simply racist to think otherwise.
Keen to suggest so called far right at every opportunity!
When it selectively suits!" RTE WONT EVEN SUGGEST A RACIST MOTIVE" yet we all have to pay to subsidize so called news - presented bias selective news!
via government in attempt to keep public ignorant on some aspects of crime but highlight selective when it suits their purposeful agenda .
Fuller story of the two sick criminal abusers you wont read or hear on rte!
Thanks Roderic O Gorman & co